Monday, May 18, 2009
Every Spring and Fall, the City of Bentonville works in cooperation with Keep Arkansas Beautiful to sponsor a city-wide litter pick up day. These are usually held on a Saturday morning from 8 until noon. This is a great community service project for youth groups, businesses, and neighborhood groups. The next Clean up date is scheduled for Saturday, May 30th.
I am putting together a team to work. If you would like to help, please e-mail so I can let you know where exactly we will be meeting!!
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
It's raining...TREES!!

Today's environmental tip: Make it a full load! Run your dishwasher only when it's full. Don't pre-rinse dishes - tests show pre-rinsing doesn't improve dishwasher cleaning, and you'll save as much as 20 gallons of water per load. When you buy a new dishwasher, look for one that saves water. Water-efficient models use only about only about 4 gallons per wash.
More information:
A Little Hope star of the week goes to...
The Bentonville/Bella Vista Chamber of Commerce-the first NWA Green Expo was a huge success! They had the latest eco-friendly living, exhibitors and workshops! The 2009 Expo was a lot of fun and I look forward to next year! Thank you Bentonville/Bella Vista Chamber of Commerce for donating funds and booth space to A Little Hope so we could give away 500 trees!!
For your calendar...
Greening of the Garden @ Botanical Garden of the Ozarks
Thursday, May 14th at 6:00 pm
The 14th Annual Greening of the Garden. Enjoy the sights, sounds, and scents of spring at our signature event. This casual event includes dinner, cash bar, silent & live auction, live music by Mo Brothers and dancing! Tickets $50/$60 day of event Tickets now on sale to members, and general ticket sales begin April 20th.
3rd Annual War Eagle Appreciation Day
Saturday, May 16th at 9:00 am
The 3rd Annual War Eagle Appreciation Day, which will be held Saturday, May 16th, at Withrow Springs State Park, located about five miles north of Huntsville off of Highway 23. Headquarters for War Eagle Appreciation Day is Crossbow Pavilion at the park. Admission is free. Organizers suggest members of the public bring their own lawn chairs. Activities include a family friendly educational float on the War Eagle, with canoes launching from 9 to 11 a.m. Those wishing to participate may bring their own canoes. The 5-mile float will begin at the Hwy. 412 bridge (across from Ma and Pa’s Bent & Dent) and end at Withrow Springs State Park. Shuttle service for canoeists will be available from 8:30-10:30 a.m. The public is invited to join festivities at Crossbow Pavilion, from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., where there will be a cookout, sponsored by Arvest Bank of Huntsville, for the first 400 people. In addition, there will be live music and educational exhibits focusing on topics such as water quality, history of the area, environmental issues, agriculture, and safety. For additional information, contact the Huntsville Chamber of Commerce at 479-738-6000 or or Withrow Springs State Park at 479-559-2593.
Bentonville Farmers Market
Saturday, May 16th 7:00-1:00
The Bentonville Farmers Market has been offering fresh, locally grown produce, baked goods and quality handmade crafts for over thirty years. A unique community gathering place, the Market also offers music and theatre performances, cooking and craft demonstrations, and educational programming. The Market is held Saturday from 7:00 am – 1:00 pm on the Downtown Bentonville Square. Think globally and buy fresh locally at the Bentonville Farmer’s Market ***Anna will be giving away trees***
2009 Benton County Spring Clean Up
Saturday, May 16th 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
1206 SW 14th Street
Items accepted: upto 4 rimless tires, household furniture, electronics, appliances, metal and household hazardous waste (paint, automotive fluids, oil, batteries, florescent bulbs, lawn and garden chemicals, cleaning products, pool chemicals, sharps, animal medications, thermometers, etc.)